No news yet of a new court date. There were about 8 of us in our agency who had court dates postponed and one of the families got a new date for March 26th. We are really hoping to hear this week of our new date and to start the countdown again. While this has has been extremely hard and discouraging, we try to look for something positive to focus on-One of the families from Hope is visiting her daughter in Ethiopia and she spent some time with our kids last week. She explained and assured them that they have a family and we are coming for them soon, but the process is taking longer than expected. She shared they are doing well and are happy. We are so grateful that this has been shared with our kids. We often think about their perspective of adoption and how much they really understand and how confusing things must be. Once they are home, it will be a distant memory!
Another amazing blessing-the basketball team at Dave's school was putting together donations for us to bring to Ethiopia and one of the girls shared our story with her mom. Her mom shared the story at her workplace and they all got together and supplied us with tons of amazing donations for the children and orphanage. From shoes to medicine and clothing-truly amazing!! We are so appreciative of all of the support and graciousness of people, many whom we have never met, who are touched by our story and of the children in Ethiopia. These kids have touched many people's hearts and they don't even know it-how wonderful!!
Hoping and praying for good news this week!
Lisa & Dave